(2022-09-20) Nestor Now Or Never Productivity Use The Three Now Lists

RJ Nestor: Now or Never Productivity: Use the Three “Now Lists”. Productivity is answering one simple question — What do I do Right Now? — and then doing it!

There are three ways you can use Now:

1. Focus on Core Work (Most Important Thing)

2. Focus on System Work...System Work is the planning, reviewing, process improvement

3. Focus on something else: Leisure is a great use of Now!

I suggest you implement three “Now Lists” in your productivity system:
Capture & Dispatch


Your Agenda answers the question What do I intend to do today? It converts potential work into completed work.

The fuel for your Agenda comes from other Lists in your system

The Agenda is fed in such a way that restricts capacity. (Most Important Thing)


The Log answers the question What did I do? and records the work you complete. (Interstitial Journaling)

you’ll have a record you can review to identify friction points in your work processes

When you capture your processes, you can identify recurring work and develop Procedures to make that work easier in the future

Work should produce two results: the Core/System Work outcome, and the process used to do the work

Capture & Dispatch

Your Capture & Dispatch (C&D) list answers the question What do I need to remember?

In GTD terminology, this would be called an Inbox

By providing an outlet for potential distractions, C&D keeps you focused on the Core or System Work.

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