(2022-10-13) ZviM Covid 10/13/22 Just The Facts

Zvi Mowshowitz: Covid-19 10/13/22: Just the Facts.

Executive Summary
Weekly update now splitting up by topics.
Rising cases in Germany, no alarming general pattern yet.
More of the usual Long Covid studies fail to enlighten us.

The Numbers

Physical World Modeling

Time to get the flu shot.

Paxlovid cuts one’s risk of death from Covid-19 by a third if you’re over 50, and still most eligible people don’t use it.

We will still do a bit of long Covid via a new study, though.

I guess. Once again, the cohort is almost entirely (96%!) unvaccinated

Let’s see, here is the study itself. I cannot find evidence of controls that would address the usual selection effects. So this seems to not tell us anything new.

More interesting to me is another study from the same thread.

If vaccination cut Long Covid rates by ~96% then these studies are simply not applicable to the current situation.

Obvious Nonsense: Florida Man Commissions ‘Study’

In Other Covid News

You can scream ‘working from home is better’ into the void all you want. Being at the office makes you harder to fire. Being at the office tells your employer you are more serious. It is an unmistakable and large advantage over those that do not come into the office. Is that worth a commute and giving up working from home? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. You still must, if given the option to go in, make a choice.

I once worked from home rather than move to where my company had its offices. As what I believe was the direct result of that, (1) my life was infinitely better, (2) I produced a lot more value for the company, and (3) I lost the political fight over who would end up running the place without realizing I had lost it. I would make the same choice over again, but my eyes would be open, and I would either make a real attempt to win those fights or accept that I would inevitably lose them and do it gracefully.

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