(2023-01-31) Brier The Prompt To Rule All Prompts

Noah Brier: The Prompt To Rule All Prompts. (Welcome to the BrXnd Dispatch: your bi-weekly dose of ideas at the intersection of brands and AI.) A friend sent me this post about creating a tool that uses GPT-3 and a site called StatMuse to do natural language searches of basketball data

The basics are that he used GPT3 to interpret his searches into a natural language format that would work for Statmuse and tied the whole thing together with a python tool called Langchain, which is growing in popularity.

I like the idea that these tools can be a powerful fuzzy interface between systems: They bridge the gap between the structure of code with the lawlessness of natural language.

Typescript gives me a straightforward way to describe complex data.

Here’s a silly example prompt that works with GPT3:

Using the following Typescript type definition, return valid JSON that describes the animal.

Animal: pig

And here’s the response

I haven’t done the research to know whether those height and weight values are correct.

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