(2023-02-04) Rescuing Kindle Ebooks
I saw a toot from someone saying they suddenly couldn't read their Kindle ebooks that they bought more than 5 years ago - they had to re-buy them, then contact customer service for refunds!
So I thought I should check.
(Mostly I buy epub from GoogleBooks and stripe the DRM, but sometimes you can only get a Kindle.)
I thought I had converted some Kindle books to epub in the distant past, but Spotlight didn't find any. (Though maybe that's a spotlight issue. I can see 1 .mobi
file that I know of, but search for name-incl-mobi gives me nothing. )
I haven't used the Mac app since I got this laptop. So I install it. I have 1219 docs in my library, but I know most of those are Samples. The Mac app doesn't let you filter on that?!? (I check online, 443 are purchases.)
I scroll down to the bottom - some of those are from 10yrs ago - I can open them fine. So no panic. But still....
Where are those newly-opened files on my Mac? Ah, found them, different than in the past.
But notice one old book is New Evolution Diet, check my folder, find I had an old .azw
file. Open in Calibre, try to convert to epub, blocked by drm. Hmm maybe this Calibre isn't set up right for that....
- see 2014 notes in 2011-06-11-BuyingGoogleEbook
Since I'm running Calibre 4.23, I get DeDRM 6.8.1. I unzip it and install it successfully.
Configuration? This says: If you do not own a physical Kindle, the default decryption key will be pulled from Kindle for Mac the first time the plug-in is run.
So I try New Evolution Diet
- had old file - delete that folder
- open in Mac Kindle - see the file in Finder
- open it in Calibre, then try to open/read it - it says it's in KFX format, which I know requires an additional plugin. Install
plugin, restart Calibre, re-import azw file into Calibre (it now recognizes the title). - Convert:
this has DRM
fail - try a newer book: No Sunscreen for the Dead - same outcome
Issue might be that Mac Kindle is v1.39, and DRM changed at v1.25....
- de-register/uninstall old Kindle app
- download Kindle 1.17 from 3rd party; install
- launch → won't run on current version of MacOS.
I try downloading New Evolution Diet azw3 file from Kindle web, convert in Calibre → nope DRM.
Ah, find recent Mac-specific instructions - if you don't have a physical Kindle, what a huge pain.
- I could pay $30 for epubor https://twitter.com/eBook_Converter
- just live with Kindle app - that will be my primary as long as it works.
- download epubs from various sites. That's the fallback.
- (I did nothing)
- now a recent GooglePlay ebook won't strip, I realize I hadn't bought anything with DRM from them for a year.
- throwing up my hands, buy epubor for $60 (lifetime)
- it worked on the GoogleBook!
- try to launch Kindle app - old version won't run on this MacOsX. Download new one, look around...
- ah can't use that, have to download v1.4.0 from epubor folks - do that. Synch library
- have to re-download individual books
- one of them fails, it's a KFX. They want me to pay for another Kindle Converter app?!?! That's not gonna happen, going to see how many other books have this issue. Seems about 50/50.
- tried another GooglePlay book, just to check. It went fine.
- Apr07 trying Kindle KFX some more. Fix the kindle-file-location in epubor, but it still doesn't see any files.
- ah, I was looking at the wrong downloads location. When I switched back to the default, it recognized all the local stuff.
- but half of the books failed because they're the old KCR format - I wonder what will happen if I re-download them?
- I think I got most
- when I try to download a book in the v1.4.0 Mac Kindle app it says it's not supported anymore. File support ticket with Epubor
- they confirm it's an issue, they're trying to find solution
- so books I bought since Sept15 are stuck there
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