(2023-02-09) Why You Should Use Obsidian As A Journaling App

Why You Should Use Obsidian As a Journaling App. The hook? You own the data. Instead of uploading your notes to a service that can change subscription plans at a whim (I’m looking at you, Evernote), you choose where to store all your notes in simple text files. They can be on your computer, if that’s where you spend the majority of your note-taking time, or you can put them in a cloud-based storage solution like iCloud Drive or OneDrive.

Better yet, when you manage your own storage, all of Obsidian’s myriad of features are free. If you want Obsidian’s own sync feature, it will cost you $8 per month.

After installing the app, create your Obsidian Vault in iCloud Drive or OneDrive. Then, there’s not much setup left. Create a folder structure from the sidebar and click the Daily Note button from the sidebar panel (it looks like a Calendar icon).

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