(2023-02-13) Celik 11 days ago I suggested a unified Sent box of everything sent/reacji’d to all Slacks

Tantek Celik: 11 days ago I suggested a unified Sent box of everything sent/reacji’d to all Slacks (slack.com) logged-in with the same email. Beyond Slack though, everything you write & send anywhere: txt, chat, email, web. A Universal Outbox of all content you create, including responses. A flat time ordered list of output across mediums. And a source of material to blog. The phrase “Universal Outbox” seemed obvious to describe such a feature, parallel to the idea of a universal inbox that I remember first learning of as a concept from Apple’s AOCE project² in the early 1990s, but called a “single universal mailbox”. Figuring someone must have come up with the idea, I did a web search, and found a minimal wiki page from 2011: UniversalOutbox which did vaguely describe the idea: “a single hub where someone can find all your outbound LifeStreams?”

Except I don’t want “where someone can”, but rather “where I can”, which is an important distinction, because it would explicitly include things you send to a single person or other limited audience. And yes, “can find”, with full personal search.

How many times have you texted, IM’d, Slacked, or emailed nearly the same thing, maybe to different people, retyped from memory, that you could have searched, and copy & pasted instead?... What if you could publish such common ideas, concepts, points once, with a permalink, and then cite that permalink rather than retyping the same thing repeatedly?

Even if you include everything you can PESOS from other sites, that still leaves services and sites without API access... Another approach that may work well is a browser extension, which would at least be able to collect everything you type into websites. Such an add-on would be more useful than a keylogger, because a browser add-on would have a much better understanding of and access to the context of where you are entering information. An add-on could keep track of permalinks to each statement...

ICommented: I've often copied non-proprietary info into my public DigitalGarden pages, like TimeZone research...Within an org I always make sure we have a shared team wiki, and try to use that as a medium for shared/sticky knowledge.... For cross-org... the idea of having a "private" garden which you can share with a 1-page-invite or something is a pretty cool idea....

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