(2023-09-19) Mikro2nd Tools For Thought Research Community
Mike Morris on a Tools for Thought Research Community. Wandering through my personal notes and collected RSS feeds, I find myself rereading Thesephist's Research Community post. ((2021-11-27) Lee Towards A Research Community For Better Thinking Tools)
Coincidentally (or not?) I near-simultaneously read in Peter Turchin's End Times Book: "Science is a collective endeavour
How to foster and build such a community, I wonder. In some, very loose, sense, it already exists. (Scenes, Collaborations, Inventions, And Progress)
Good energy on the research front; not much action on the collaboration front. Pretty weird for a bunch of people who claim concern for making better Tools for Thought, better tools for collaboration!
What would kickstart something more cohesive?
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