(2023-10-01) Sloan The Conservation Of Angular Momentum

Robin Sloan: The conservation of angular momentum. At this point in a book’s publication, the pieces come together and the pace accelerates — like a figure skater pulling their arms close to spin faster.

For the novel arriving in June 2024, I am racing to finish a map …

Google Colab is a miracle

A note on notes.

here’s a glimpse of how I assemble these newsletters.

A couple years ago, I made a newsletter note-taking app for myself that consists of just two parts:

  • A web page with a text field and a save button.
  • A simple web app, which I run locally. It displays all my notes and allows me to search through them.

The app allows me to review my notes, and mark them as “used”—which is to say, included in a newsletter — and finally delete them, though I don’t do that often. I like having a weird archive.

The notes are stashed in Google Cloud Firestore, and of course I access the colletion through a simple Cloud Function

There’s no security at all, but/and neither of these pages are reachable on the open internet. (ZeroTier and Tailscale are perfect scaffolding for no-login apps of this kind.)

I loaded many of my old notes, recorded mainly with nvAlt, into this collection, so they are searchable here, too.

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