(2023-10-10) Lefsetz Taylor Lorenzs Book

Bob Lefsetz: Taylor Lorenz's Book. You’ve got to read it. Like right now. Because this is the key to the real America, the real world, that the boomers and the straight media pooh-pooh but drives all the viewers, eats up all the attention, generates all the dollars.

Forget the backlash. That goes with the territory. Like I’ve said again and again, if you’re not experiencing online hate, you’re not playing, or you’re not honest enough, not posting enough

Lorenz left the “New York Times”… I’ve heard her version, I’ve read the public version, but one thing is for sure, the usual suspects at the “Times” had no time for her. Because she was part of the scene, part of what she was writing about, she didn’t keep the usual distance

We don’t want reporters, we want the words of people living the lifestyle, in the pit, reporting back their experience. The cheese moved and the mainstream media denizens don’t like it.

want to know about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict? Go on TikTok. I’m not saying the straight news is doing a bad job here, but it’s completely different from what you get on TikTok. On TikTok you get people testifying personally, the message is more vivid, it resonates, it’s right here as opposed to over there.

How the usual players, the agents, the studios, ignored the growth of social media stars. Wanted nothing to do with them.

And then there is the platforms themselves. They were devised to do one thing, but then the creators took them somewhere else, a place unforeseen

The brightest minds were in social media. Because they were willing to think independently, to pivot. It’s one thing if you’ve got the template and follow it, but to create the template? That’s something else.

As for the music business today, we’re in a post-template world, and everybody who was around in the pre-internet era can’t handle it, and hates it.

Again and again in the book, after being rejected by the usual gatekeepers, the creators wake up and ask themselves why they need these intermediaries

it’s a completely different vision. They’re making it up as they go, with no restraints. That’s what blew up the music business. Yes, you got Tull, Zeppelin and Joni Mitchell all burning up the charts at once. People were excited about music in general, they were open to everything, they didn’t want something calculated, but something new and different.

This is where all the money is, social media. Used to be in the movie business, then in the music business, but now it’s social media. (Video Games?)

Don’t tell me about some of the worthless influencers, who are prank-oriented, where there’s so little there there, they’re like Top Forty hits, getting all the ink but not representative of what is going on. You’ve got to dig deeper.

the sites might change, but the bedrock remains. This is about people, expressing their humanity, that’s where all the money and excitement is today, and if you want to know what is going on… Read this book!

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