(2023-11-19) Mikro2nd Thoughts Onextending Tools For Thought

Mike Morris: Thoughts on "Extending Tools for Thought". a meetup of the ToolsForThoughtRocks crowd in which they had Howard Rheingold as a guest. "Extending Tools for Thought". Was well worth the time in that it triggered some Interesting Thoughts

note-taking v note-making seems a neglected distinction

Howard would like to see a taxonomy of the many, many tools

Different people respond to/like different tools, all with good reasons. So! It's essential that those tools interop, otherwise groupwork becomes forced, unnatural, inconvenient...i.e. ActivityPub is more important than Obsidian. And Roam is a dead loss, being totally a walled-garden.

Legibility matters!

Book: The Extended Mind

They talked a lot about trust. BUT. It's arguably more interesting/important to consider groupwork where there is NO/LITTLE trust. e.g. the UN. Cabinets. Contract negotiation. Conflict resolution. (coalition)

Collaboration is a conversation coming to concensus

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