(2023-12-23) Wikid Update Walking Skeleton20

Mike Morris: Wikid Update- Walking Skeleton 2.0. The Next Big Thing I decided on (see my previous project update was to implement visible backlinks.

I find backlinks to be an indispensible affordance -- and about the only thing missing from the original wiki that I've come to regard as a vital component of networked-notemaking infrastructure

So we have to have a way to show all the links in to a page.

As I started in on the task, I realised that I'd fucked up the Wikid domain model something awful

What to do?

Make the change easy, then make the easy change. - Kent Beck. Well, I fucked that up, too -- at least to some extent. My tests saved me, though, and I've finally worked my way out of the mess

As a result, making backlinks available took the grand sum of like 4 lines of code. That's the thing we want to strive for in designing interfaces to a model.

Visions dance in my head of lovely UX affordances to make the Wikid System pleasant to use.

what matters most to me: the experiments in collaboration.

So the next step must be: make a way to push select pages to another Wikid instance

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