(2023-12-31) Reich Mainstream Media Is Playing Into Trumps Neofascist Hands Im Sticking With Democracy And The Guardian

Robert Reich: Mainstream media (MSM) is playing into Donald Trump’s neo-fascist hands. I’m sticking with democracy and the Guardian. The reason I write a column for the Guardian is the same reason I read it daily: I trust it.

Again and again, the mainstream media have drawn a false equivalence between Donald Trump and Joe Biden – asserting that Biden’s political handicap is his age while Trump’s corresponding handicap is his criminal indictments.

But Trump is almost as old as Biden, and Trump’s public remarks and posts are becoming ever more unhinged – suggesting that advancing age may be a bigger problem for Trump than for Biden

A recent Washington Post article was headlined: “In a swing Wisconsin county, everyone is tired of politics.”

But where is it reported that the mainstream media have contributed to making people tired and disgusted with politics?

Much of the GOP no longer accepts the rule of law, the norms of liberal democracy, the legitimacy of the opposing party or the premise that governing requires negotiation and compromise. Why isn’t this being reported?

Trump and his allies want Americans to feel so disgusted with politics they believe the nation has become ungovernable. The worse things seem, the stronger Trump’s case for an authoritarian like him to take over.

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