(2024-04-24) Unproductive Polarising Extremes
Unproductive Polarising Extremes. The ability to form groups or tribes is a critical function of being a mammal
I need to find my tribe
The fastest way to whittle this down from “everyone” is to find my “not” tribe
Bringing this back to my work in Agile, and social media – there is a lot of this polarising statements as it garners attention and builds a “reputation”. Here are some recent ones:
Story points are trash
Scrum is a waste of time
SAFe is terrible
Agile is dead
"To me, it doesn't matter if your scapegoats are the Jews, the homosexuals, the male sex, the Masons, the Jesuits, the Welfare Parasites, the Power Elite, the female sex, the vegetarians, or the Communist Party. To the extent that you need a scapegoat, you simply have not got your brain programmed to work as an efficient problem-solving machine." ~ Robert Anton Wilson
With the work that I do as an Agile coach, I am constantly trying to work from a stance of curiosity with positive intent. Why does a sensible person hold that perspective – what is it that I am not understanding?
I think that any technique is wrong, I believe that it may be used in a poor way.
Story Points:
Scrum is a waste of time:
SAFe is terrible:
Agile is dead:
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