(2024-05-24) Kartik Freewheeling Apps

Kartik Agaram: Freewheeling Apps. Freewheeling Apps are a durable substrate for the future of software. Easy to download. Easy to run. Easy to modify. Easy to share.

Built atop a small, secure and trustworthy platform (Love2D) I don't control.

Coming soon: networking


May 4, 2024

Visualizing the digits of π

Apr 24, 2024

I've been idly looking at the space of possible rules for 1-D cellular automata.

Rule 30 is the famous one, but my favorites are rule 150 and 165.

(I've also been skimming Stephen Wolfram's "A New Kind of Science" as I do this.

Apr 19, 2024

The kids got a choose-your-adventure Oregon Trail book from the library, and I got nerdsniped into making a map for it. (It's easy to get me to do something if it involves opening https://git.sr.ht/~akkartik/snap.love) (snap.love)

Apr 15, 2024

I'm reading a paper on my phone in bed and see this problem: Convolving a list with itself.

Apr 13, 2024

New convivial platform just dropped https://www.exaequos.com

Looks like it's a fork of emscripten augmented to compile a whole OS kernel and userland. Includes raylib for graphics, and Lua bindings to it so I feel at home. Seems easy to build so I'm comfortable depending on the hosted version.

There's an app store anyone can publish apps to. Your changes remain in your browser's local storage until you publish them.

Disclaimers. It's slow. Still lots of bugs. I had to reboot the VM several times while recording this video.

Apr 2, 2024

Drawing histograms

Mar 29, 2024

The simplest possible dither

Mar 24, 2024

I've been thinking some more about handling what are essentially merge conflicts when editing my .love files.

*one essential constraint of my platform choice is: upgrading the LÖVE app on a mobile device will blow away all installed .love files. Nothing I can do about this, and luckily LÖVE upgrades rarely enough that maybe we can live with that.

But it does mean we can't get too comfortable making edits on a mobile device.*

Mar 23, 2024

Of all the apps I've built, perhaps my favorite is https://git.sr.ht/~akkartik/snap.love, my box and line drawing tool. I use it constantly -- including for work. I have a terrible short term memory, and now I make quick mindmaps for every little situation where a full-screen IDE on a huge monitor is too tiny to show all the parts of the codebase I care about right now.

Mar 22, 2024

All the 1-D cellular automata

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