(2024-08-04) Simplified-tldraw-proxy idea

I want some a variation of tldraw that lets me

  • have the code for a diagram as a block within a CommonMark/WikiFlux page
  • renders "preview" in-page, click to pop-up/out to dedicated-image editable page
  • can edit document and save back into page-block
  • can use double-brackets in text-in-node, and have it render appropriate local-link
    • and WikiGraph scraper can associate those links with the page
  • hmm, do I need/want a simplified diagram/markup?
    • having it the markup be fairly readable without the diagram
    • be able to make minor edits right in the markup
    • see Jun'2024 toot showing how complicated the tldraw code is
    • but maybe this doesn't matter

LazyWeb toot

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