Aerobed AirMattress
Sometimes The Kids want to sleep with their mom, so 1 gets the bed with her, 1 gets the floor, and I get their (lower) bunk. Thought about a futon, but too bulky to store.
Jun16'2006 bought a queen-sized Premiere Memory Foam bed via W00tCom.
Satisfied with its comfort and convenience.
November - sprung a leak. Along the seam. Underneath the foam-top, so had to use stitch-ripper to peel that back and get at the leak. (Note that location makes it clear this was not created by poking from the outside.)
Dec9 - sprung another leak. Same seam, roughly 3 inches from the first one.
Dec'2006 - need a twin-sized, whether to fit into the playroom, or the smaller space left in our bedroom once the Stokke Sleepi is taking up space.
- originally bought a Deluxe, but Jihi didn't like it, so returned. Bought Pillow Top instead via Amazon.
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