DAO creation stack
Aragon Manifesto
We will either see technology lead to a more free, open, and fair society or reinforce a global regime of centralized control, surveillance, and oppression. Our fear is that without a global, conscious, and concerted effort, the outlook is incredibly bleak.
We are committed to: Building organizational forms that defend self-sovereignty — where a user can always exercise choice, either by participating or exiting....
Decentralized organizations change our relationship with governance: from something that is imposed upon us by others, into something we choose to opt into.
Building tools to create and manage decentralized organizations will unleash a Cambrian explosion of new governance forms, and the competition among them will raise the bar globally.
The Aragon Association pledges to support the Aragon Manifesto by:...
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BackLinks: 2017-07-17-ZeoliIntroducingTheDecentralandTeam | 2021-01-07-DecentralizedCourtAragonHitWithFlurryOfResignations | 2021-01-11-AragonAcquiresVotingProjectVocdoniToFleshOutDecentralizedGovernanceStack | 2021-02-28-OutlierVenturesOpenMetaverseOSWhitepaper | 2021-07-06-15WaysTheWorldIsBeingTransformedByDaos | 2021-07-21-APrehistoryOfDaos | 2021-08-18-TheOptimisticDaoAragonGovernAragonVoiceAragonCourt | 2021-09-26-DaosMayBeTheFutureOfWorkButDontBetOnThemBeingTheNextBigAssetClass | Decentraland
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