Automotive XPrize

XPrize for AutoMobile Fuel Economy

*The essence of each competition is to design, build and race super-efficient vehicles that will achieve 100 M P Ge (2.35 liter/100 kilometer) efficiency, produce less than 200 grams/mile well-to-wheel CO2 equivalent emissions, and could be manufactured for the mass market.[2] Within the Competition Division, there are two vehicle classes: Mainstream and Alternative.

  • The mainstream class has a prize of $5 million.

  • The alternate class has 2 separate prizes of $2.5 million, one for side-by-side seating and one for tandem seating.[3]*

There were originally 136 vehicles from 111 teams. After the Shakedown stage, there were 26 cars from 22 teams. After the Knockout stage, there were 15 vehicles from 12 teams.

The Finals stage was held July'2010. 9 cars from 7 teams passed this stage and will go on to the Validation stage, where performance is tested under lab conditions, leading to announcement of the Prize (if any) in mid-September.

Some of the entries are beyond "alternative" into "bogus".

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