Balsa Research

Zvi Mowshowitz research biz

Balsa FAQ

This is an FAQ for Balsa Research

last updated on 10/17/22

Q: What will you do differently to succeed at this hard problem where most others fail? Short A: Our focus will be on cutting the enemy, not growing, fundraising and hitting vanity metrics.

Q: Won’t you probably fail anyway? A: Yes, the effort probably fail

Q: How do you prioritize issues? Short A: Best balance of biggest win versus difficulty of winning

Q: Some of your posts framed your agenda in active terms. How much of your agenda is convincing the government to do new things versus convincing them to stop doing things they are already doing? A: The bulk of the low hanging fruit is in convincing the government to stop doing harmful things it is already doing.

Q: What will be your top issue priorities for the coming year? A: Jones Act repeal, NEPA reform and otherwise enabling new energy infrastructure currently seem like the most appealing initial targets

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