HTTP header tag helpful in RSS Scalability
Joe Gregorio[[ETags__This_stuff_matters |example]] Bill De Hora links to some pieces on it.
Tim Bray refines how to use it. What you want to do is compute the ETag based on the underlying data resources that actually drive the page creation; the input to that process, not its output. This is often going to be a small number (sometimes one) of timestamp or version fields in a database row, or metadata from the underlying filesystem. It's also going to be application-dependent. So a framework that was really designed for the Web would expose the ETag generation to the application programmer in a way that let them be smart about conserving the resources that actually matter.
Mark Nottingham notes some issues, and that you might want to just consider alternatives like HttpConditionalGet.
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BackLinks: 2004-09-14-RssScalabilityAgain | 2007-03-22-GregorioEtagDetails | ETag | HttpConditionalGet | HttpGet | PythonWebFramework | RoBaccia
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