Eight-Circuit Model Of Consciousness
The eight-circuit model of consciousness (sometimes capitalized) is a theory in psychology, first proposed by Tim Leary. It consists of several quantum psychological systems that unify the various interpretations of the main altered states of consciousness into one coherent meta-theory. The most basic part describes, in a simple outline, eight circuits of information (colloquially "brains") that operate within the human nervous system. Leary, Robert Anton Wilson and Antero Alli have all written about each circuit in depth and how each operates in the lives of human beings, both individually and collectively. (e.g. "eight circuits of consciousness")
The eight-circuit model provides a conglomerate model of several preceding and interconnecting models within some of the human and medical sciences such as psychology, neurology, sociology, anthropology (etc.) and other more "hard sciences" such as physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, co-mingled with spirituality (especially from Freemasonry and Eastern religio-philosophies).
Although Leary propounded the basic premise of eight "brains" or brain circuits, he was inspired by sources such as the Hindu chakra system. However, his most direct inspiration was received in the form of a document from a student of Yoga, a pamphlet containing 24 different pages, with three-page subdivisions each corresponding to a particular yogic "energy".[citation needed]. Leary then translated this and expanded it into a 24-stage model of Evolution, and eventually streamlined it into the eight-circuit model of consciousness. With this, Leary created his umbrella model which others have expanded and philosophized on.
- The Biosurvival Circuit (the Breath of Consciousness) (Lizard Brain, Reptile Brain, oral)
- The Emotional–Territorial Circuit (Sigmund Freud's Ego, anal)
- http://www.babygaga.com/t-453493/part-two-the-emotional-territorial-circuit.html
- cf Alpha Dog, Fight-or-Flight
- the mix of these first 2 circuits drives his Interpersonal Behavior Circle
- The Symbolic or Neurosemantic–Dexterity Circuit (the Rational Mind)
- The Domestic or Socio Sexual Circuit (the "Adult" Personality)
- The Neurosomatic Circuit (Zen–Yoga Mind–body Connection)
- The Neuroelectric or Metaprogramming Circuit (Psionic Electronic-Interface Earth Grid Mind)
- The Neurogenetic or Morphogenetic Circuit (Buddha–Monad "Mind")
- The Psychoatomic or Quantum Non-local Circuit (Overmind)
Each circuit has its own moment of Imprinting.
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