Chris Granger project:
- 2014: Eve is our way of bringing the power of computation to everyone, not by making everyone a programmer but by finding a better way for us to interact with computers. On the surface, Eve is an environment a little like MsExcel that allows you to "program" simply by moving columns and rows around in tables. Under the covers it's a powerful database, a temporal logic language, and a flexible IDE that allows you to build anything from a simple website to complex algorithms. Learning Programming
- Seed Capital from Chris Dixon of Andreessen Horowitz, Sam Altman, Tom Pinckney, Sep Kamvar, and Zubair Quraishi.
- LightTable will continue to go on strong.
- Jul'2016: Two years of Eve.
- Jan'2018 update: dead
http://witheve.com/ Eve is a programming language and IDE based on years of research into building a human-first programming platform. From code embedded in documents to a language without order, it presents an alternative take on what programming could be - one that focuses on us instead of the machine.
From a technical standpoint, Eve is a variant of Datalog, which means that it's a database as much as it is a general purpose programming language.
We are advocating for literate programming because we believe it leads to better, more maintainable programs. Yet because of the history we've rightfully encountered skepticism that it can really work... Literate programming is a first-class design concept in Eve. We will be writing all of our programs in this this manner, and will encourage others to do the same for the reasons above.
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