A single point of failure (SPOF) is a part of a system that, if it fails, will stop the entire system from working.[1] SPOFs are undesirable in any system with a goal of high availability or reliability, be it a business practice, software application, or other industrial system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_point_of_failure (more)

Full Interview with Buster Benson: Pirates, Zombies and the Cyborgification of Humanity. I build lots of little side projects and most of them only end up ever being useful to me and these are way to too complicated to ever be useful to anyone else. The ones that are simple enough that I can imagine other people using them, I generally try to make them into real projects (more)

Applying Computer Game tricks of Motivation and Engagement to the Real World - Real WorldGame. (more)

Cedric Chin: Are You Playing to Play, or Playing to Win? My friend Lesley has this thing where she says “make sure you’re playing the real game, not some more complicated game you’ve made up for yourself.” (Game Playing) (more)

Book preaching: I want Computer Game creation to be decentralized. I want open access to the creative act for everyone. I want games as zines. (Network Economy, artisanal) (more)

Critical Chain is the application of the Theory Of Constraints to Project Management (esp Planning). Contra traditional Critical Path concept. (more)

Like Micro-ISV, but for Saas (more)

R and D facility (more)

non-Home page of a site that you drive traffic to, through WebAd for SEO work - typically the "home" for a market segment

Android version of OrgMode http://www.orgzly.com/ Outliner for notes and to-do lists

logical framework, mental model, WebApp Framework, etc. (more)

Cedric Chin: A Framework for Putting Mental Models to Practice, Part 1: Charlie Munger's Speech. It is really, really difficult to create a deliberate practice program for an unstructured (ill-structured) skill — even Anders Ericsson himself admits that he does not know how to deploy deliberate practice for skills like solving crossword puzzles and folk dancing. The self-help hacks who have never actually tried putting this into practice will not mention that it’s really difficult. (more)

Jon Udell: Using sparkcasts to enhance step-by-step instructions. My earlier explanations didn’t use screencasts, they were just textual narrations with embedded static screenshots. That’s an appropriate way to explain step-by-step procedures. Screencasts can be overkill. (cf sparkline) (more)

Robin Sloan: The slab and the permacomputer. Here are three glimpses of the future of computing that all seem to “rhyme”: (more)

Is it Time to Revive the Pattern Language? Wiki, the methodology that powers Wikipedia, was invented by a computer scientist named Ward Cunningham to create a web-based system of the "pattern languages of programming"—an idea exported from architect Christopher Alexander's 1977 classic. (more)

James O. Coplien, also known as Cope[citation needed], is a writer, lecturer, and researcher in the field of computer science. He held the 2003–4 Vloeberghs Leerstoel (Vloeberghs Chair) at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and has been a visiting professor at University of Manchester. He is known for his involvement in founding the pattern movement as part of the Hillside Group, organizing events in the Pattern Languages of Programs conference series, and his writings on software design patterns and organizational patterns (OrgPatterns). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Coplien (more)


This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Digital Garden (20k pages, starting from 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO). (You can get your own pair of garden/note-taking spaces from FluxGarden.)

My Calling: Reality Hacking to accelerate Evolution by increasing Freedom, Agency, and Leverage of Free Agents and smaller groups (SmallWorld) via D And D of Thinking Tools (software and Games To Play).

See Intro Page for space-related goals, status, etc.; or Wiki Node for more terse summary info.

Beware the War On The Net!



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Agile Product Development, Product Management from MVP to Product-Market Fit, Adding Product To Your Startup Team, Agility, Context, and Team Agency, (2022-10-12) Accidental Learnings of a Journeyman Product Manager

My Coding

Big Levers, Theory of Change, Change the World, (2020-06-27) Ways To Nudge Future; Network Enlightenment, Optimistic Near Future Vision; Huge Invention; Alternatives To A College Degree; Credit Crisis 2008; Economic Transition; Network Economy; Making A Living; Varieties Of Info Technology Jobs; Generative Schooling; Product Oriented Unschooling; Reality Hacker; A 20th Century Economic Theory

FluxGarden; Network Enlightenment Ecosystem; ThinkingTools Interaction as Medium; Hypermedia Pattern Language; Everyone Needs Their Own ThinkingSpace; Digital Garden; Virtual ThinkingSpace; Thinking Tools Companies; Webs Of Thinkers And Thoughts; My CollaborationWare History; Wiki Proliferation; Portal Collaboration Roadmap; Wiki For GroupWare, Overlapping Scopes Of Collaboration, Email Discussion Beside Wiki, Wiki For CollaborationWare, Collaboration Roadmap; Sister Sites; Wiki Hack

Personal Cloud; 2018-11-29-NextOpenInfrastructure, 2018-11-15-BooksVsTweets; Stream/Flow Vs Garden/Stock

Social Warrens; Culture War; 2017-02-15-MindmapCultureWarSocialMediaEconomy; Cultural Pluralism

Fractally Generative Pattern Language, Small Tribe, SimplestThing, Becoming A Reality Hacker, Less-Bullshit Living, The Craft; Games To Play; Evolution, Hack Your Life With A Private Wiki Notebook, Getting Things Done, And Other Systems

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