device which provides video chat with an Intelligent Software Assistant built in

The Facebook Portal Died. This Is How It Almost Lived. In November, Meta announced it would be discontinuing the Portal, its stand-alone video-chatting device. (smart display) (more)

A smart speaker is a type of loudspeaker and voice command device with an integrated virtual assistant (Intelligent Software Assistant) that offers interactive actions and hands-free activation with the help of one "hot word" (or several "hot words"). Some smart speakers can also act as a smart device that utilizes Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other protocol standards to extend usage beyond audio playback, such as to control home automation devices. This can include, but is not limited to, features such as compatibility across a number of services and platforms, peer-to-peer connection through mesh networking, virtual assistants, and others. Each can have its own designated interface and features in-house, usually launched or controlled via application or home automation software.[1] Some smart speakers also include a screen to show the user a visual response. As of winter 2017, it is estimated by NPR and Edison Research that 39 million Americans (16% of the population over 18) own a smart speaker.[2] A smart speaker with a touchscreen is known as a smart display.[3][4] It is a smart Bluetooth device that integrates conversational user interface with display screens to augment voice interaction with images and video. They are powered by one of the common voice assistants and offer controls for smart home devices, feature streaming apps and web browsers with touch controls for selecting content. The first smart displays were introduced in 2017 by Amazon (Amazon Echo Show,[5] Amazon Echo Spot).

Google Assistant is an artificial intelligence-powered[2] virtual assistant (IntelligentSoftwareAssistant) developed by Google that is primarily available on mobile and smart home (smart speaker) devices. Unlike the company's previous virtual assistant, Google Now, Google Assistant can engage in two-way conversations. (more)

A Product Team should be collaborative, but communication/psychology/flow is simpler if there's a single "leader" (TeamLead) who the members report to. (more)

Amazon Alexa is a “colossal failure,” on pace to lose $10 billion this year. The hardware team is on pace to lose $10 billion this year. It sounds like Amazon is tired of burning through all that cash. (more)

Amazon's Echo Show Makes It Easy to Keep Family Together While Social Distancing. The Amazon Echo Show is one of our top-pick smart displays (we also recommend the Google Nest Hub Max). These are devices that sit on your desk, countertop, or table and let you use many of the same types of apps and features a tablet would. Their standout feature is voice-activated video calling, an easy way for families to stay connected with isolated relatives. (smart display) (more)

Google starts throwing cash at Google Assistant startups. Today, Google is launching a new investment program for early-stage startups working to broaden Google Assistant hardware or features. The new program provides financial resources, early access to Google features and tools, access to the Google Cloud Platform, and promotional support in efforts to bolster young companies.

Steve Denning: Explaining Agile. Organizations that have embraced Agile have three core characteristics. (more)

The New Skeuomorphism is in Your Voice Assistant. Killing skeuomorphism made us feel very smart about ourselves. We finally don’t need glossy buttons to understand something is tappable! (more)

Wirecutter: The Best Smart Home Devices to Help Seniors Age in Place. For this guide, I interviewed doctors and experts who specialize in smart-home technology for those aging in place. (more)

Steve Denning: Re-Imagining The Very Concept Of Management. Figure 1: labels for digital-age management.... The question remains: What to call this radically different management? (business agility) (more)

Perspective | How Big Tech monopoly made smart speakers dumber. I recently moved into a new home. But before I can get settled, I have to install a tech monopoly. Is it an Alexa, Google Assistant or Siri home? (more)

Steve Denning: Why Business Survival Requires Brand New Management. Most of today’s major corporations are suffering from a lethal disease. The disease is industrial-age management (more)

Steve Denning: Why The Pandemic Of Maximizing Shareholder Value Is Still Raging. The last 90 years have seen several missteps on corporate purpose. From the 1930s to the 1970s, corporate managers embraced “stakeholder capitalism.” (See Figure 1.3 above). Executives were expected to optimize among all the stakeholders—customers, staff and partners, shareholders, and society as a whole. The result? Not surprisingly, we saw many “garbage can organizations” emerge. (more)

Steve Denning: Don’t Reorganize: Run Your Firm As An Agile Network. The right question doesn’t start with the organization or its structure at all. It starts with the customer. What does you customer and your market need? (more)

Zvi Mowshowitz: Covid-19 2/2/23: The Emergency Ends on 5/11. Executive Summary: Covid emergency to end on May 11, 2023. Vaccine formulations all to be updated to bivalent composition. Other news will be covered in roundups soon. (more)

creator of Braid computer game

identify any food purely by the location of structural starch Pizza is Toast. A quesadilla is a sandwich. A hot dog is a taco. Pig-in-a-blanket is a sushi. Cheesecake is a quiche, so is a deep-dish pizza. A burrito is a calzone. Lasagna is Cake. Poutine is nachos. (more)

App from East Gate for developing HyperText narratives. (more)


This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Digital Garden (20k pages, starting from 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO). (You can get your own pair of garden/note-taking spaces from FluxGarden.)

My Calling: Reality Hacking to accelerate Evolution by increasing Freedom, Agency, and Leverage of Free Agents and smaller groups (SmallWorld) via D And D of Thinking Tools (software and Games To Play).

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