The Jim Crow laws were state and local laws introduced in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that enforced racial segregation, "Jim Crow" being a pejorative term for an African American.[1] Such laws remained in force until 1965.[2] Formal and informal segregation policies were present in other areas of the United States as well, even if several states outside the South had banned discrimination in public accommodations and voting.[3][4] Southern laws were enacted by white "Redeemers"-dominated state legislatures to disenfranchise and remove political and economic gains made by African Americans during the Reconstruction era.[5] Such continuing racial segregation was also supported by the successful Lily-White Movement of Southern Republicans.

John Warner: One Small Step to Address the Student Mental Health Crisis. Here’s two things that are not causing the incidence of anxiety and depression to increase among young people 1. Smartphones. 2. Helicopter parenting. (more)

John Warner: Teen Mental Health Distress Didn't Start with the Phones. This past week, Jonathan Haidt, New York University professor of psychology and co-author (with Greg Lukianoff) of The Coddling the American Mind: How Good Intentions are Setting Up a Generation for Failure (2018), tweeted this out... When Haidt says there was “no sign of a teen mental illness epidemic until around 2012,” he is wrong. (more)

Thom Hartmann: Why Donald Trump and the GOP are Burning the Entire System Down. Today’s Republican Party is dedicated to destroying what they call the “deep state.” (more)

When America Was Awash in Patriotic Frenzy and Political Repression. Adam Hochschild’s new book, “American Midnight,” offers a vivid account of the country during the years 1917-21, when extremism reached levels rarely rivaled in our history. (more)

John Warner: We All Want. *Twitter tongues were wagging this week over an article in New York magazine titled, “The Fleishman Effect” by Caitlin Moscatello. 2023-02-28-TheFleishmanEffect (more)

M.G. Siegler: Phonies. I used to watch Tucker Carlson regularly. This is true!¹ He had a show called Tucker in 2005 on MSNBC (more)

To the World, Kevin McCarthy’s Exit Is Just Another Example of U.S. Disarray. There was a time, not that long ago, when the United States presumed to teach the world how it was done. When it held itself up as a model of a stable, predictable democracy. (more)

Analysis | A messy time for Republicans. Donald Trump will be arraigned for the second time in less than three months on Tuesday. (more)

Why Do Republicans Keep Destroying Their Own Leaders? Fourteen experts on the roots of Kevin McCarthy’s ouster and what’s broken in American politics (more)

What to know about the Tucker Carlson January 6 footage. Fox News host Tucker Carlson aired newly released footage on his show Monday from the January 6, 2021, US Capitol attack. (2021 Storming of the US Capitol) (more)

America’s Political Turmoil. Imagine if you were a foreign leader surveying the political chaos in the United States: (more)

Max Krieger on "Chatting with Glue" (LiveChat). Chapter 1: When we converse.... as soon as we open our mouths, we start to think.... Conversational media have accidentally compressed/linearized our thinking... There's a lot of richness in conversations. This richness is most abundance in the minds participating.... And as ideas sprout from our mind-trees, they're enriched and diversified by others...And this is no coincidence: our thoughts activate in patterns of association... What does this suggest about conversation? Not only is it more rich than our utterances alone, but it's nonlinear, and never complete. (more)

controller of NewsCorp (more)

In sociology and economics, the precariat (/prɪˈkɛəriət/) is a neologism for a social class formed by people suffering from precarity, which is a condition of existence without predictability or security, affecting material or psychological welfare. The term is a portmanteau obtained by merging precarious with proletariat.[1] Unlike the proletariat class of industrial workers in the 20th century who lacked their own means of production and hence sold their labour to live, members of the precariat are only partially involved in labour and must undertake extensive "unremunerated activities that are essential if they are to retain access to jobs and to decent earnings". The hallmark of the precariat class is the condition of lack of job security, including intermittent employment or underemployment and the resultant precarious existence.[2] The emergence of this class has been ascribed to the entrenchment of neoliberal capitalism.[3][4] (more)

Itamar Gilad: Why you should stop using product roadmaps and try the GIST Framework. Here’s what I used to do:... there is almost no room for agility — changes at the top cause huge ripple effects of replanning and project cancellations at the bottom. Agile development addressed project waterfall, but didn’t change planning waterfall. So, what’s the alternative? GIST. (more)

Itamar Gilad meta-framework for product management - Goals, Ideas, Steps, Tasks. See related Opportunity Solution Tree. (more)

Zero interest-rate policy (ZIRP) is a macroeconomic concept describing conditions with a very low nominal interest rate, such as those in contemporary Japan and in the United States from December 2008 through December 2015 and again from March 2020 until March 2022 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. ZIRP is considered to be an unconventional monetary policy instrument and can be associated with slow economic growth, deflation and deleverage.[1] Under ZIRP, the central bank maintains a 0% nominal interest rate (fed funds rate). The ZIRP is an important milestone in monetary policy because the central bank is typically no longer able to reduce nominal interest rates. ZIRP is very closely related to the problem of a liquidity trap, where nominal interest rates cannot adjust downward at a time when savings exceed investment. However, some economists—such as market monetarists—believe that unconventional monetary policy such as quantitative easing can be effective at the zero lower bound. (more)


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