Margin Cagan on Business Strategy vs. Product Strategy. ...source of frustration in many companies. Many companies confuse or blur the two, and the result is easy to spot. The senior executives want to focus on the business strategy, but they find they are forced to make decisions at a level far below where they’re comfortable or usually even interested, such as which specific products, projects and even features to invest in, and what the interdependencies are between these features and projects, and often what is on the actual page and how to resolve conflicts. (more)

EBook reader app for Android (more)

Tool/dashboard from Ash Maurya's Lean Stack going beyond the Lean Camvas to prioritize learning/validation around the biggest risks in your strategic context.

Justin Murphy: You don’t have writer’s block, you’re just being evil. If you’re not having a stroke, you are not blocked. (more)

WikiWikiWeb:AcceptanceTests Originally called Functional Test-s, each acceptance test tries to test the functionality of a user story. Acceptance Tests are different from Unit Test in that Unit Tests are modeled and written by the developer of each class, while the Acceptance Test is at least modeled and possibly even written by the customer. In Extreme Programming this is sometimes called Customer Test. (more)

The Dymaxion car was designed by American inventor Bucky Fuller during the Great Depression and featured prominently at Chicago's 1933/1934 World's Fair.[1] Fuller built three experimental prototypes with naval architect Starling Burgess – using donated money as well as a family inheritance[2][3] – to explore not an automobile per se, but the 'ground-taxiing phase' of a vehicle that might one day be designed to fly, land and drive – an "Omni-Medium Transport".

There's a Bucky Fuller exhibit (Live Event) at the Whitney Museum I have to get to (with The Boys) in the next couple weeks. (more)

The learning loop revolution. Learning loops combine machine learning with large-scale data sets that are socially provided. But what you provide isn’t your status, your photos, or the books on your reading list. You provide a direct feed into your behavior. (more)

Sorry, the government’s not paying for your therapy app. New treatments for chronic conditions like opioid addiction, ADHD and insomnia are here and they’re on your smartphone — not in a pill bottle. But the government won’t pay for them. (digital therapeutics) (more)

Jonathan Lai and Andrew Chen: The Rise of Lifestyle Streamers. Historically, livestreaming has been synonymous with gaming. Twitch and Mixer. (more)

Martin Cagan: Product Teams vs Project Teams. I should have written this article two years ago, just after I published Product vs. Feature Teams. ((2019-08-29) Cagan Product Vs Feature Teams) (more)

Evan Armstrong: How I Use ChatGPT (As a Reasonable Person). We built a GPT chatbot that we think can solve a significant problem for founders. It’s called Founder’s Friend, it’s free for all ChatGPT subscribers, and it’s available here. (more)

aka SDR a radio communication system which can potentially tune to any frequency band and receive any modulation across a large frequency spectrum by means of as few as hardware possible and processing the signals through software. (more)

Baldur Bjarnason thinks Browser Based Ebook Reader-s are doomed, for similar reasons as Google Wave. If the product’s tentpole feature doesn’t directly help the user at the task they’re using the product for, then the product is likely to fail. In Google Wave’s case the tentpole feature was real-time synchronisation and messaging but the products pitched were chat apps and document collaboration. Neither of the major use cases of Google Wave directly benefited from its tentpole feature. (more)

EBook reader (esp EPub) that uses the Web Browser rather than another Fat Client. (more)

Oct'2010 Live Event about EBook-s being readable in Web Browser-s vs dedicated devices/apps. See BrowserBasedEbookReader. Has become label for the general idea (see related Book Server). (more)

comedian who started in the 1950s, known for pulling lots of his material from that day's newspaper, and using it as a prop. (more)


This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Digital Garden (20k pages, starting from 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO). (You can get your own pair of garden/note-taking spaces from FluxGarden.)

My Calling: Reality Hacking to accelerate Evolution by increasing Freedom, Agency, and Leverage of Free Agents and smaller groups (SmallWorld) via D And D of Thinking Tools (software and Games To Play).

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Beware the War On The Net!



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