book series about a security cyborg who has hacked the chip that makes him controlled by his "owners" (more)

Premature optimization is the root of all evil -- Donald Knuth (more)

Malcolm Ocean: A shared page on Conversation App design...the reality is that "conversation" is the backbone of project & team management (more)

Educating Kids In The Suburbs, compare to Educating Kids In NYC. (Notes from 2009-2024.) (more)

Famous family therapist. Author of PeopleMaking. "Mother of family systems therapy" (Family Systems Theory) (more)

John Ohno: What people get wrong about Xanadu. Links are separate from documents. They aren’t IN documents. The author of a document doesn’t have any greater authority over links than anybody else — they can create a bunch, and users can choose to apply them or not. (more)

old fighter pilot responsible for OODA model (more)

belief in the inferiority of an individual based on his perceived Race (more)

Nvidia Corporation[note 1] (/ɛnˈvɪdiə/ en-VID-ee-ə) is an American multinational technology company incorporated in Delaware and based in Santa Clara, California.[2] It designs graphics processing units (GPUs) for the gaming and professional markets, as well as system on a chip units (SoCs) for the mobile computing and automotive market. Its primary GPU line, labeled "GeForce", is in direct competition with the GPUs of the "Radeon" brand by Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). Nvidia expanded its presence in the gaming industry with its handheld game consoles Shield Portable, Shield Tablet, and Shield Android TV and its cloud gaming service GeForce Now. Its professional line of GPUs are used in workstations for applications in such fields as architecture, engineering and construction, media and entertainment, automotive, scientific research, and manufacturing design.[3] In addition to GPU manufacturing, Nvidia provides an application programming interface (API) called CUDA that allows the creation of massively parallel programs which utilize GPUs.[4][5] They are deployed in supercomputing sites around the world.[6][7] More recently, it has moved into the mobile computing market, where it produces Tegra mobile processors for smartphones and tablets as well as vehicle navigation and entertainment systems.[8][9][10] In addition to AMD, its competitors include Intel and Qualcomm. (more)

Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge is a 1975 book by Austrian philosopher of science Paul Feyerabend. The central thesis of the book is that science should become an anarchic enterprise.[1] In the context of the work, the term "anarchy" refers to epistemological anarchy, which does not remain within one single prescriptive scientific method on the grounds that any such method would restrict scientific progress. The work is notable in the history and philosophy of science partially due to its detailed case study of Galileo's hypothesis that the earth rotates on its axis and has since become a staple reading in introduction to philosophy of science courses at undergraduate and graduate levels.[2] Against Method contains many verbatim excerpts from Feyerabend's earlier papers including "Explanation, Reduction, and Empiricism", "How to be a Good Empiricist: A Plea for Tolerance in Matters Epistemological", and "Problems of Empiricism, Part I." Because of this, Feyerabend claims that "[Against Method] is not a book, it is a collage."[3] Later editions of Against Method included passages from Science in a Free Society. (more)

Max Krieger on "Chatting with Glue: Cognitive Tools for Augmented Conversation" (LiveChat). Chapter 1: When we converse.... as soon as we open our mouths, we start to think.... Conversational media have accidentally compressed/linearized our thinking... There's a lot of richness in conversations. This richness is most abundance in the minds participating.... And as ideas sprout from our mind-trees, they're enriched and diversified by others...And this is no coincidence: our thoughts activate in patterns of association... What does this suggest about conversation? Not only is it more rich than our utterances alone, but it's nonlinear, and never complete. (more)

Václav Havel (Czech pronunciation: [ˈvaːtslav ˈɦavɛl] ⓘ; 5 October 1936 – 18 December 2011) was a Czech statesman, author, poet, playwright and dissident.[1][2] Havel served as the last president of Czechoslovakia from 1989 until 1992, prior to the dissolution of Czechoslovakia on 31 December, before he became the first president of the Czech Republic from 1993 to 2003. He was the first democratically elected president of either country after the fall of communism. As a writer of Czech literature, he is known for his plays, essays and memoirs... He was known for his essays, most particularly The Power of the Powerless (1978), in which he described a societal paradigm in which citizens were forced to "live within a lie" under the Communist regime.[19] In describing his role as a dissident, Havel wrote in 1979: "we never decided to become dissidents. We have been transformed into them, without quite knowing how, sometimes we have ended up in prison without precisely knowing how. We simply went ahead and did certain things that we felt we ought to do, and that seemed to us decent to do, nothing more nor less." (more)

Simon Willison: LLM now provides tools for working with embeddings. LLM is my Python library and command-line tool for working with language models. I just released LLM 0.9 with a new set of features that extend LLM to provide tools for working with embeddings. (more)

Craig Mod: Goodnight 2023, What a Year, I love Antibiotics. (Focus on section about Morioka, followed by his referenced older pieces.) The most unexpected / delightful / slightly terrifying thing to happen “outside” of my core work this year was my recommendation / write-up on Morioka, and its selection as the “#2” (it’s technically not a “ranking” but everyone interprets it as such) place to visit in 2023, right after … LONDON. Ha ha! So, as you’d expect, this caused quite the commotion in Japan (Why?! Morioka?!) (more)

Logical Thinking Process : A Systems Approach to Complex Problem Solving book/process from William Dettmer ISBN:0873897234 (2007), updating/refining Eli Goldratt's Theory of Constraints process (see ToC Thinking Processes). (more)

The politician's syllogism, also known as the politician's logic or the politician's fallacy, is a logical fallacy of the form: (more)

Book Summary + PDF: Originals, by Adam Grant | Allen Cheng (more)

Paul Graham on How To Get Start Up Ideas. The very best startup ideas tend to have three things in common: they're something the founders themselves want, that they themselves can build, and that few others realize are worth doing... (more)


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