How to Care for Aging Parents

How to Care for Aging Parents, 3rd Edition: A One-Stop Resource for All Your Medical, Financial, Housing, and Emotional Issues ISBN:0761166769 (esp Aging-in-Place)

Table of Contents


  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: First Things First: Ten Survival Tips • Critical Conversations • Gathering Vital Documents • Exploring the Options • Getting Organized • When You Can’t Be There

Adapting to New Roles

  • Chapter 2: Your Parent and You: A Changing Relationship • When They Won’t Listen • Defusing Old Struggles • Coping Day to Day • Exceptionally Difficult Parents
  • Chapter 3: Caring for the Caregiver: Setting Limits • Emotional Minefields • 12 More Steps to a Healthy Mind-Set • The Male Caregiver
  • Chapter 4: The Inner Circle: Working with Siblings • Compensating the Caregiver • A Family Meeting • Significant Others • Time for Kids • Multilayer Sandwiches • Careers and Caregiving

The Golden Years

  • Chapter 5: A Healthier Body: In the Gym • The ABCs of Diet • The Liquor Cabinet • Up in Smoke
  • Chapter 6: A Happier Soul: The Quest • Family and Friends • Spiritual Fulfillment • Reminiscing • Volunteering and Working • Involved and Active • Dating, Sex, and Marriage

Life at Home

  • Chapter 7: Tips for Daily Living: Safety First • Monitors and Alert Systems • Preventing Falls • Room-by-Room Modifications • Bathing and Grooming • Dressing • What’s for Dinner? • In the Driver’s Seat • Gadgets and Gizmos
  • Chapter 8: Getting Help: Assessing the Need • Family and Friends • Community Services • Geriatric Care Managers
  • Chapter 9: Paid Help at Home: In-Home Care • The Hiring Process • From Day One • Managing the Troops • When There Is Trouble • Respite Care

The Halls of Medicine

  • Chapter 10: Rx for the Elderly: The Age Difference • Finding a Doctor • A Wellness Visit • A Geriatric Assessment • A Personal Health Record • An Informed Advocate • Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  • Chapter 11: The Body Imperfect Part I: A Muddle of Medications • Vision • Hearing • Sleep • Temperature Regulation • Dehydration • Skin Care • Arms, Legs, and Feet • Teeth and Mouth
  • Chapter 12: The Body Imperfect Part II: Bones and Joints • Incontinence • Constipation • Other Digestive Disorders • Anemia • Diabetes
  • Chapter 13: Matters of the Mind: Depression • Delirium • Anxiety Disorders • Delusions and Hallucinations • Hypochondria
  • Chapter 14: In the Hospital: Avoiding It • Choosing a Hospital • Admission • Following His Wishes • Tests, Surgery, and Treatments • At the Nurses’ Station • Providing Comfort • When You Are Far Away • Hospital Dangers • Resolving Disputes • Preparing for Discharge • Bills, Bills, Bills

Handling the Paperwork

  • Chapter 15: Paying the Way: Talking About Money • First Steps • Dipping into Your Own Funds • Financial Planning • Benefits and Discounts • Getting Cash Out of a Home • Tax Tips • Professional Help
  • Chapter 16: Avoiding Fraud: Who’s at Risk? • Common Scams and Scoundrels • Preventing Exploitation • Signs of Trouble • What to Do
  • Chapter 17: Paying for Health Care: Medicare • Medicaid • Long-Term Care
  • Chapter 18: Legal Issues: Where There’s a Will . . . • Power of Attorney • Advance Directives • Trusts • Reducing Estate Taxes • Probate • A Question of Competence • Legal Help

Home Away from Home

  • Chapter 19: Moving Out, Moving In: Launching the Discussion • Is It Time to Move? • Should Mom Move Closer? • Should Dad Move In? • Under One Roof • Separate Quarters
  • Chapter 20: An Array of Housing Options: Roommates and Shared Housing • Congregate Housing • Retirement Communities • Senior Apartments • Foster Homes • Assisted Living • Continuing Care Retirement Communities
  • Chapter 21: A Good Nursing Home: The Decision • Starting the Hunt • What to Look For in Any Facility • Getting In • Admission • Who Pays?
  • Chapter 22: Making the Move Work: Moving Day • A Plan of Care • Visiting • Being an Advocate • Long-Distance Caregiving • When Trouble Brews • Is This Move Working?

When They Forget

  • Chapter 23: The Aging Brain: What Is Normal? • Mild Cognitive Impairment • Dementia • Getting Tested • Alzheimer’s Disease • Vascular Dementia • Lewy Body Dementia • Dealing with the Diagnosis • Treating Dementia
  • Chapter 24: Living with Dementia: Helping Your Parent • Helping Yourself
  • Chapter 25: Managing Day to Day: Hygiene and Dressing • Incontinence • Eating • Communication • A Sense of Time • Other Challenges • Problem Behaviors • Psychotic Symptoms • Late-Stage Dementia

The Last Good-bye

  • Chapter 26: Nearing the End: Well in Advance • Making Decisions • Your Parent’s Perspective • Communicating • Caring for Your Parent Now • Taking Care of Yourself • Care at Home • Hospice Care • In the Hospital • What Death Looks Like • The Moment After
  • Chapter 27: The Aftermath: A Funeral Director • The Obituary • Planning a Funeral • Taking Care of Business • Dividing Possessions
  • Chapter 28: Good Grief: Facets of Grief • Caregiver Grief • Growing from Grief • The Surviving Parent • Children and Grief

A Final Note

  • Chapter 29: You’re Next: Talk About It • Paying for Old Age • A Question of Where • Your Body • Your Mind • Your Life


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