Jesse Singal

Jesse Singal is an American journalist. He has written for publications including New York magazine, The New York Times and The Atlantic. Singal also publishes a newsletter on Substack and hosts a podcast, Blocked and Reported, with journalist Katie Herzog. Much of Singal's writing deals with the social sciences, and he previously edited New York magazine's behavioral-science vertical, "Science of Us".[1] In 2021, he published a book, The Quick Fix, about the failings of popular psychology. Singal's writing on transgender issues has attracted controversy, particularly in his 2018 cover story for The Atlantic, "When Children Say They're Trans". ((2018-07-31) Singal When Children Say They're Trans) He received a master's degree in public affairs from Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

Is Jesse Singal Really Impartial About Trans Care?: An impartial writer does not substitute his own pet peeves for the actual beliefs of marginalized advocates. They do not hide it when they interview a coordinated group of activists. They do not obscure the beliefs and actions of the people they discuss. They do not attempt to portray an open advocate of conversion therapy as an innocent victim slandered by the accusation of his own beliefs or a mother who refused her child trans care for explicitly political reasons as motivated only by therapeutic caution.

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