Knowledge Adventure Club
Knowledge Adventure Clubs are the intersection of book clubs and Dungeons and Dragons. Joel Hooks idea (2020).
If you haven't played D&D, maybe you've participated in a book club.
as I was reading this wonderful set of Alexandrian patterns from Joshua Kerievsky called Knowledge Hydrant: A Pattern Language for Study Groups it struck me: D&D and book clubs are very similar.
It gets even more interesting when you apply the depth of thought that exists on the internet around designing and running a successful D&D group to creating and running book clubs and study groups.
We can study the patterns of Game Masters to design and faclitate shared-learning experiences that can have a huge impact.
Recently I've been GMing Knowledge Adventure clubs through some of my favorite frameworks for creating and running an independent business.
WTF is a Knowledge Adventure Club?
*From my experience with both D&D and book clubs, there’s another similarity:
Nobody wants to be the game master. 😱
Why not? It’s a lot of fuckin’ work, that’s why lol
But being the game master is also incredibly rewarding*
*Book clubs aren’t as “classically fun” as Dungeons & Dragons, but learning new skills and growing with a smart group of people is a lot of fun. Leveling up together and sharing the thrill of cracking open an entirely new universe of knowledge?
That’s where you get the Knowledge Adventure Club.*
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