Object Oriented MUD (Multi User Dungeon)
text-based Virtual World
One of the most distinguishing features of a MOO is that its users can perform object-oriented programming within the server, ultimately expanding and changing how the server behaves to everyone.[4] Examples of such changes include authoring new rooms and objects, creating new generic objects for others to use, and changing the way the MOO interface operates. The programming language used for extension is the MOO programming language, and many MOOs feature convenient libraries of verbs that can be used by programmers in their coding known as Utilities
Mitchel Resnick (and Amy Bruckman) 1995 paper on MediaMoo as Virtual Community supported by Constructionism. Unlike many virtual environments, the world of MediaMOO is continuously being constructed and reconstructed by its members. This paper analyzes experience with the system to date, and highlights the importance of "constructionist" principles in virtual reality design. The philosophy of constructionism argues that people learn with particular effectiveness when they are engaged in constructing personally meaningful projects; learning by doing is better than learning by being told. This approach is most often applied to children's learning. We believe that not enough attention is paid to its broader applicability. We have found that letting the users build a virtual world rather than merely interact with a pre-designed world gives them an opportunity for self expression, encourages diversity, and leads to a meaningful engagement of participants and enhanced sense of community.
MOOSE Crossing, a constructionist learning educational MOO designed for teaching children ages 9 to 13.[25] It was developed by Amy Bruckman in 1996 as her doctoral dissertation work,[26] and cited among "the most notable MOO research in education".[27] It closed in 2007 after 11 years online.
- in which young children could learn computer programming skills while building virtual objects (learning programming)
See also Lambda MOO
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