
Merveilles is a community of artisan engineers.

Merveilles is a collective of forward-thinking individuals who strive to better each other and their surroundings through constant creation and play. This community project is aimed at the establishment of new ways of speaking, seeing and organizing. A warm welcome to any like-minded people who feel these ideals resonate with them.

focusing on the topics of experimental art, music & code

Solutioning for technological resilience, by Wiley Wiggins

The Merveilles Sensibility, from the French word for “Marvels”, is an associated visual design aesthetic, worldview, and collection of production techniques loosely connected to the Merveilles online community

The community was founded by Devine Lu Linvega and Rekka Bellum, two artists and technologists who live a nomadic existence on a houseboat and have adapted their lives to the special requirements, producing games and software under the name Hundred Rabbits.

Merveilles is associated with, but distinct from sensibilities like ”Solarpunk”, “Cyberpunk” or “Junkpunk” in that it is practical rather than speculative. Merveilles is distinct from intersecting hacker culture in that it asserts that quality of life is tied to an aesthetic enjoyment of it, and in its decidedly leftist politics and ecological concerns

As many of the adherents to this are skilled in software development methodologies, a large part of the Merveilles sensibility is the creation of personal, noncommercial software tools

Originally, the term Merveilles came from a little online game, its chatroom which ran in parallel with the game, as the game itself didn't permit players to conventionally talk to each other, attracted not only its players but the players' friends, and even after the game had gone, people remained in the channel to talk about music, game design and development.

Forum — [Meta] Forum Utilisation

Author: Kartik Agaram responded: I’ve always had some vague dissatisfactions with this particular project that I’ve struggled to articulate. Let’s see how this goes.. It seems to me that any form of social software has a sweet spot of use cases. For forums that’s a coherent topic

As a corollary, almost all the successful forums I’ve experienced are centered around building (making)

So it’s not clear to me that what this wants to be is a traditional discussion forum that we can point at prior art for. I think it needs to be a new kind of social software

My personal bias is that what we need is something more wiki-like in two ways:

  • Anyone can reorganize what someone writes.
  • Pervasive version control providing accountability over ourselves for the reorganizing.

I’d love to participate in a community that experiments with different organizations of the same conversations even as we’re conversing

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