Personal Finance WebApp I've used for a long time.
shutting down Jan'2024!
How TheWife and I have used it...
- integrate all our spending accounts (also our investment accounts, but I haven't gotten any value out of that)
- create custom categories of expenses - mostly custom subcategories of their big buckets
- we do our forecasting (kinda budgeting) on an annual or half-year basis, and check actuals against that.
- our buckets don't match nicely the Mint buckets
- our top-level is "fixed" vs "discretionary", but even those are fairly fake/useless lines
- in some cases we use their big-buckets, in other cases we break out to small-categories.
- our buckets don't match nicely the Mint buckets
- in reality, this is a giant waste of time, our behavior doesn't change much, other than occasionally putting off 1 big expense (roof replacement) because of another (car replacement).
What has irked me with Mint?
- some patterns of bad item-categorization - I feel like this has actually gotten worse over the years
- other weird crap, like bills-paid-electronically-via-bank got made unintelligible because transaction-id stuff fields which caused all the categorization to break (and to fix things manually required going back and forth with a Chase window to figure out what things really were)
- some weird dupe transactions - I think this was caused by entering both my and TheWife's Chase credentials, because our life insurance trust accounts aren't joint, but then our joint transactions got screwed up
- bad-getting-worse transaction querying (date-range, amount-range), needed mostly to manually clean up categorization
So what do I need from next solution?
- given that Mint/Intuit history, I'm not going to "switch" to another free Intuit product
- I need good quality auto-categorization, with custom categories supported
- absolutely need a webapp, I'm not going to do everything on a dang phone - boy do I hate articles that act like only mobile apps are worth mentioning
- I'm leaning toward Monarch Money, esp since they have a first-year-discount
sold out to in 2009.
funded by First Round Capital (Josh Kopelman)
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