daily source for local Journalism?
List of US papers by circulation (crossref Urban center sizes):
- Wall St Journal: 2.1M
- Usa Today: 1.8M
- Ny Times: 0.9M
- 4-8 have 0.5-0.6
- 9-18 have 0.3-0.5
- 19-79 have 0.1-0.3
- Jun'2011: HuffPo attracted 35.6m unique visitors last month compared to the Times's 33.6m. It's the first time that's ever happened.
- Jan'2012: Data suggests the UK's Daily Mail had 45.35 million unique visitors during December, inching the site ahead of the Ny Times with 44.8 million. But a spokeswoman for the US paper suggested the Mail won by including visitors to a sister site.
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