Dorian Taylor code - RDF::SAK — Swiss Army Knife for Semantic Web Content. This library can be understood as something of a workbench for the development of a set of patterns and protocols for Web content—a content management meta-system

this implementation is disposable. What matter are the patterns laid down in the program output. If these patterns can be sufficiently normalized, then the behaviour ought to at least be replicable in other content management systems. Failing that, the patterns will serve as a set of requirements for future systems. The ideal is that adherence to existing open standards plus a modest set of additional constraints could, at least from the perspective of the audience, make the CMS infrastructure disappear.

the emphasis on the page as the basic unit of content can be subjected to further scrutiny. The long-term goal of this project is a structure with smaller nodes and many more links between them, something I am calling dense hypermedia.

It currently expects a directory of (X)HTML and/or Markdown as its document source, along with one or more serialized RDF graphs which house the metadata.

Outputs: The library has methods to generate the following kinds of file:
(X)HTML documents, where file inputs are married with metadata
Special indexes, generated completely from metadata
Atom feeds, with various partitioning criteria
Google site maps,
Apache rewrite maps

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