
Replit (rep·lit), formerly, is a San Francisco-based start-up and an online IDE (integrated development environment).[3] Its name comes from the acronym REPL, which stands for "read–evaluate–print loop". Amjad Masad, Faris Masad, and Haya Odeh co-founded the company in 2016... In 2009, Masad tried to write every programming language in JavaScript, but it was not practical. He saw great leaps in browser and web technologies and he was inspired by Google Docs web capabilities. He thought of the idea of being able to write code in a browser and make it easy to share it. He spent two years creating an open-source product with Haya Odeh called "JSRepl".[9] This product allowed him to compile languages into JavaScript. This product powered Udacity and Codecademy's tutorials. After becoming an early employee of Codecademy, this project was put off until years later, when he and Odeh decided to revive the project of a programming environment in a browser.

Supports 50 languages.

OUR MISSION Is to make programming more accessible. We build powerful yet simple tools and platforms for educators, learners, and developers.

  • We want to create a first of its kind developer platform that can be used to learn and practice programming, build and deploy applications, and share and discuss with a community of peers.
  • Software development is one of the first -- if not the first -- examples of what JCR Licklider called the Man-Computer Symbiosis. A "cooperative interaction" between people and computers where the person is concerned in what may be classified as the creative aspect of the work such as setting the goals, formulating the hypothesis and evaluating the results while the computer does all the "routinizable work"... Our mission is to make programming more accessible, so when we design we focus on the hobbyist and the learner (although a lot of engineers also get a lot of value from our service). This relieves us from the pressure of having to build tools that needs to compete and achieve parity with existing development tools. Our users are open to things that makes it easier for them to learn, play, and share... now it's growing to understand deployment. We envision this to become a long-lived always-on service that understands code in all its stages and can be put at your disposal anywhere you are regardless of your device, platform, or the programming language you're using.
  • I've had the belief that kids can be productive at programming really early in life and that they can contribute to the economy by starting businesses or going to work for tech companies. But there's this minimal prison sentence that we have to do that is 12 years of school and then 4 years of college before we can become productive members of society. Since then I've been really interested in making it so that more people can create software businesses, startups, or make money on the side on apps, and part of the solution, I thought, was to make it easy to learn how to code. And that's why I worked at Codecademy where I was the founding engineer. And now starting where we want to not only make it easy to learn how to code but also make it possible to build and deploy applications. So the big plan is, if we are successful, then all you guys, our users, can build, deploy, and make money of off games, apps, websites easily on our platform. If we're successful then there's no age limit for when you can own a business, start a startup, or freelance and build software that you can sell. (network economy)

Provides its own Key-Value store

Built on GoogleCloud.

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