Samuel Mockbee
In 1993 - Mockbee was now teaching at Auburn University's College of Architecture, Design and Construction - he founded what is now called the Rural Studio. This time his efforts bore fruit: For the past eight years, Mockbee has brought a group of his students to rural Hale County to design and build homes for the poor. One of the poorest regions in America, the county has more than 1,400 substandard dwellings, nearly all lacking electricity and running water. According to the 1997 Alabama County Data Book, about one-third of residents there live below the Poverty level, with a per capita income just over $12,000 and an UnEmployment rate of 13 percent.
Bruce Sterling quote : Still, for every one of those cool recycled bungalows he made out of used whatchamacallits, the American South bought about a hundred thousand house trailers... It's kind of the central theme of industrialism - BauHaus guys come up with really cool ideological themes for civilized living, but by the time they implement one, there are vast Las Vegas suburbs covered with tickytacky.
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