VIV Games

Welcome to Viv Games -- Small but Mighty

Viv Games is a publisher of immersive digital experiences with impact

We connect gaming companies to real-life heroes through immersive game worlds, to offer unique in-game items that advance game-play, unlock special features and provide secret events that translate to actual change in the real world.

Players can provide donations to Viv Regeneration Projects, and track their real-world impact on species, habitats, rivers and oceans.

We partner with game development companies to connect in-game heroes to real-life IMPACT.

VIV Games Saves the World


new game-aligned items with a twist — not only do they make gaming more fun, but they’re also created to save the world.

We are using VIV Items to do two very important things:

Re-wilding of the Amazonian Rainforest In this Kickstarter, every purchase of a VIV Item (through every backer!) will also directly provide funds to help the Amazonian Rainforest by replanting trees lost to forest fires.

Future Vision

Our plan is to continue to offer incredible VIV Items that gamers and game companies can enjoy while contributing to the environment for the long term.

What are VIV Items?

VIV Items are digital and physical gaming items 'loaded' with additional meaning and enabled actions. They are new, limited-edition collectibles that will occasionally have special powers, both in games and the real world

Each VIV Item in this Campaign is a surprise item aligned to the gaming universe of your choice -- including Minecraft, Roblox and League of Legends -- OR the VIV Universe specially created for this Kickstarter. You choose.

Some VIV Items hold additional value that becomes activated later on in their life-span; they will act as keys that open new doors, and close old ones

we see Viv Item holders as members of a Guardian Guild -- across games and gaming universes -- these are people who want to enjoy gameplay while helping the environment.

Together, we’ll provide funds to local, indigenous teams to perform the environmental restoration work; experts with many years of experience, who are already successfully performing this work, and know exactly what is (and is not) required.

Pledge Tiers

Stretch Goals


Why Back VIV?


JANUARY 2024: Kickstarter Campaign Ends FEBRUARY 2024: Pledge Manager Opens MARCH 2024: Manufacturing of Items Begins JUNE 2024: Pledge Manager Closes JULY 2024: Amazonian Rainforest Project Begins AUGUST 2024: Shipping OCTOBER: 2024: Earth Observation Imaging begins OCTOBER 2024: Fulfilment

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