(2002-02-27) a
Wealth Bondage with a long list of Ways to Disagree Agreeably or Nobly . Pass along a folktale about Coyote, Fox, or Br'er Rabbit.
Plus the great admission He and David were so exemplary in returning kindness for cruelty, that I swore off satire, and kept the vow for 12 full days, not including stuff I didn't write down. Then I broke out in hives and lapsed into barbarism.
Plus I have a little dog who wears a collar with jingling metal tags. When the collar is removed, he shakes himself all over, bewildered by the silence, holding his neck out for his fastenings to be replaced. For all the money I have spent on her education, my daughter is the same way about her headphones. When media go black, so many faces go blank. (Human Animal)
And a few days ago there was some strong stuff on Sustainable Capitalism as well: To add insult to injury is the purpose of the PostModern's Ludic display... Is it possible for MBA-s whose hoard of wisdom stories comes not from the Bible, nor from Poetry, but from Hollywood, to really think about Human Nature, God, or Civil Society at all? CEO-s of American Corporations hold more power than any Roman Emperor - yet emotionally and intellectually they operate at the level of a fifth grader playing videogames (Computer Game). "Some day I will rule the playground!"... Soon we will be able to choose our own IQ, as women can today choose their bust size. I wonder whether average I.Q. will rise or fall?... John Mc Enroe shocked Wimbeldon in the 1970's with his bad manners. Now everyone does it. So, someday it will be socially acceptable to give the Lie to Liars, or to call Folly her name.
Which was a follow-up from The Free Market - first you own your own hardware store; then you go bankrupt, then they give you a yellow company shirt, Minimum Wage, and a jaunty cap.
Wealth Bondage achieves Art with scary frequency.
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