(2004-09-02) Meta Mail Workflow
Jon Udell and Phil Windley and JohnReynolds and Esther Dyson on Meta Mail Semi Structured Work-Flow/Pro Ject management. Toward a Universal Toolbox or a fragmented Attention Management hassle? I think email is the wrong direction to go here... A couple lite-process ideas...
a shared hierarchical task space(Issue Tracker) (as a WebApp)
- who's going to host it?
each deliverable has an RSS feed (AppLog), and/or email alerts
even lighter - every mini-Pro Ject is a One Page Wiki
but we don't think of a separate feed per wiki page, though that's possible...
this approach is too lite, even less structure than email
with all this being AdHoc it makes it even more important to have it be easy to create/kill
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