(2004-09-02) Meta Mail Workflow

Jon Udell and Phil Windley and JohnReynolds and Esther Dyson on Meta Mail Semi Structured Work-Flow/Pro Ject management. Toward a Universal Toolbox or a fragmented Attention Management hassle? I think email is the wrong direction to go here... A couple lite-process ideas...

  • a shared hierarchical task space(Issue Tracker) (as a WebApp)

    • who's going to host it?
  • each deliverable has an RSS feed (AppLog), and/or email alerts

  • even lighter - every mini-Pro Ject is a One Page Wiki

    • but we don't think of a separate feed per wiki page, though that's possible...

    • this approach is too lite, even less structure than email

  • with all this being AdHoc it makes it even more important to have it be easy to create/kill

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