(2005-03-03) Wiki Symposium
There's going to be a WikiSym symposium in October'2005 in San Diego Ca. A Live Event I won't be able to skip.... would it be tacky to have Ward Cunningham sign my chest with a magic marker? See Meatball Wiki:WikiSym.
I'm tempted to submit a demo on AppWiki integration... uhoh July1 deadline... maybe I'll just try to aim for the Meatball Wiki:WikiSymSpeedGeek.
Update: decided I'd lost my taste for Live Event-s, unless it's super-cheap including travel cost. So not going.
Update: it's going on today/tomorrow. There's a #wikisym channel.
Ross Mayfield blogs the Ward Cunningham keynote.
- Ward Cunningham is leaving Microsoft to join Eclipse
there's an InterWiki workshop - but no real Back Channel support for us distant folks.... (I mean there's an IRC channel, but nobody typing anything... ah, they're writing together using Go Bby Collaborative Writing tool, if you don't have that you have to wait for occasional copy/paste [into](http://wiki.wikisym.org/space/Gobby Session) wiki)
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