(2005-08-31) Cramer New Orleans Flood Details

Kathryn Cramer does a great job of assembling visuals of New Orleans before-and-after Hurricane Katrina. FEMA time.

Civil Engineering Magazine looked at this issue back in 2003.

Sidney Blumenthal blames various George W Bush policies. Though it's not quite clear to me why it's a national responsibility to underwrite infrastructure for 1 city built below sea-level...

  • the recent funding levels for the levees probably didn't matter
  • the "we must rebuild it at any cost" mentality smells a bit like that surrounding the World Trade Center... Obviously there are huge differences, but the unwillingness to ask questions is a dangerous thing...

Dave Winer points out that NYC has its vulnerabilities also (thanks MTA)... see Mega Tsunami...

BrianWilliams notes there are bad Martial Law games being placed there, though it may just be Bottup Up boneheads.

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