The Center of This Universe. Get used to it.
Hugh MacLeod notes God created the world. Inspired by His example, Man created New York.
Picking a Neighborhood:
Zed Shaw intro to the local Culture/customs.
Big challenges for living here: Nyc Challenges
Who represents us in the US Congress
In the US Senate (representing New YorkState):
In the House Of Representatives:
- East Village (and some of Brooklyn Ny) 8th District - Jerrold Nadler
- East Side and parts of Queens 14th District - Carolyn Maloney
Grants, etc. for new/small businesses
- Liberty Zone
- Lower Manhattan Development Corporation
- Digital NYC
- city's Commercial Expansion Plan
The Statue Of Liberty was erected in 1886.
The Chrysler Building was completed in 1930.
The Empire State Building was erected in 1930-31. The original King Kong movie was filmed in 1933.
The World Trade Center was constructed 1966-77.
Celebrity Sighting - not counting attending chichi events (which I don't do anyway), nor Live Performance
- Tony Roberts - outside restaurant
- Wallace Shawn - all over the place, even sat at next table a Noho Star one night
- Joey Ramone - lived on my floor for years before his death
- Irina Pantaeva - lives in my building
- George Peppard '90s walking on midtown sidewalk
- Carolyn McCormick - had kid at same preschool as mine
- Al Pacino - early'02 on neighborhood sidewalk
- F Murray Abraham - fall'02 a couple times within a week Walking around the neighborhood
- Julianne Moore - fall'02 at a preschool where her kid goes
- Chris Noth - often - lives in the area
- John Tunturro - Feb'03 in Japanese place across the street
- Eric Bogosian - Mar'03 on neighborhood sidewalk
- Roy Schneider - Apr'03 in corner market
- someone on a SegWay - Jul'03 - riding on the street instead of the sidewalk - will that sucker stay upright after being hit at 35mph by a cabbie?
- Brett Butler: Sept'04 on sidewalk near office
- Kurt Vonnegut: Nov'04 - apparently lives near my office, see him Walking his dog in the morning
- Adam Sandler and Don Cheadle on weird car/truck stopped at a light. They must have been shooting Reign Over Me.
- Jon Stewart: Aug'06 - at Central Park VictorianGardens mini-amusement park
- also May'2008 in Forbidden Planet: good daddy
- Alec Baldwin: in Astor Pl StarBucks. Fought the urge to walk up and say Coffee is for closers only!
- Mandy Patinkin: on sidewalk near Union Square
- Philip Seymour Hoffman at Veselka
- Peter Jacobson (Dr Taub) outside Strand Bookstore 2023?
- Seth Meyers pushing stroller down 10thSt Feb'2025
see 11 hotels under $200/night recommendations - when it's back up i need to check out
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