(2005-12-06) Web Py
Aaron Swartz has some WebPy plan - is it another Python Web Framework?
it was used recently to re-write ReddIt (from Lisp) - see lots of partisanship in that thread... (and specifically slagging Django)
- Ian Bicking discussed some of the issues. And plugs WareWeb. Django's best features (its CMS-ish features) probably have no relevance to either reddit or Aaron's project. So Django's features are just baggage in that context. In particular, they are both working on just one application; they don't need to push out lots of apps, they probably aren't working with many (any?) designers, and they want to optimize some very specific aspects of their application that they consider the competitive parts... Another aspect is that they probably don't mind a little legwork to implement each form, if it means they can tweak that form arbitrarily... Another thing that complicates Django - and many other frameworks - is configuration. When Aaron mentions that you have to use their console and environment, it's because of configuration. I personally haven't figured out the right way to do configuration. I suspect the webpy answer to that is to hardcode many things, or use ad hoc techniques to identify your environment. That works when you are maintaining one app in a small number of environments.
Jan4 update: code/docs released.
HarryFuecks wrote a WikiEngine with it, confirming that the WikiEngine is the Hello World of Social Software.
Aug'2007: a comment at 2007-08-22-BickingPythonWebConsolidation says that the new version of ReddIt is using non-WebPy Python.
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