(2006-05-30) Udell Reimagining Education
Jon Udell looks at the BlogWeb and Open Source software as Educational Technology, providing opportunity for people with the Motivation (Passion?) and Context.
Here are similar thoughts from J P Rangaswami, with an emphasis on Learning By Doing, referring to a couple books from DiomidisSpinellis.
Jan'2007 post notes Graham Glass's Edu Two site which seems to focus on School Management.
- Feb update: I just finally listened to the PodCast, and Glass's vision is much bigger, though still oriented toward being used in existing schools. He loves Project Based Learning and notes the great Video blogged at 2007-02-01-EdvisionsProjectBasedLearningVideo. He notes that the mapping of custom Project-s to Curriculum requirements is a (Bill Of Materials explosion) problem that can't be managed without computers. He's got lots of Curriculum data uploaded in his system, so you can map a project to its bits (though, since different states, etc. have differently-structured Curriculum, you still have a problem, I think, though not the same one.).
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