(2007-09-05) Iphone Ipod Starbucks Announcements
Apple Computer http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2007/09/05/financial/f113751D79.DTL |is
cutting the IPhone price by $200 (will now be $399 for 8GB)
launching the IPod Touch ($299 for 8GB), which uses the IPhone form-factor and supports WiFi (Saf Ari browser) as the new IPod.
hmm, does this become a MID?
- Does it have audio-in (to record PodCast-s), leading to VoIP Over [[WiFi]] potential?)
hmm, LinuxOS port?
Sept12 update: might have some features pointlessly blocked, like adding Calendar entries
Sept13 update: Chris Soghoian noted that Apple doesn't have the same lame excuse for keeping the Touch closed as with the IPhone.
deal with StarBucks where you can see what tunes have been playing, and have free access to ITunes allowing you to buy those tunes (at the standard price).
Sept10 update: One million iPhones in 74 days - it took almost two years to achieve this milestone with iPod," said Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO.
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