(2007-10-30) Osaf Funding

It sounds like OSAF/Chandler is going to be cut off from further funding (from its current source) at the end of 2008.

Even by then they may not have a full EMail client app.

This obviously affects discussions about prioritization.

Kyle Wilson [wrote](http://gamearchitect.net/Articles/Software Is Hard.html) about OSAF (and Myst Online) back in August, and generalizes to the natures of Software Development, Complexity, and Project Failure.

Jan'2008 update: Mitch Kapor is leaving, and paid staff is being cut from 27 down to 10.

HankWilliams is dismayed at the arc of this product. And makes some interesting comments about Design and Usability, esp when working on an open-ended tool.

Cory Doctorow says he's a happy user of the app. Lotsa angry comments.

Jan28 update: Phillip J Eby notes the benefit to many Python libraries from OSAF, and states his theory for the cause of the problems. And it's the lack of these common, objective criteria (Shared Vision) that does you in, regardless of why the criteria are lacking. Without them, you can't really have productive discussions or planning, whenever the necessary action crosses organizational boundaries. (Since different sub-groups will have their own views and criteria, with no common criteria to sync against.)

Scott Rosenberg gives more details.

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