(2007-12-10) Itp Winter Show
The ITP winter show is this coming Sun/Mon. (Live Event)
Some fun stuff.
Tech Diy http://www.techdiy.org/ DIY kits for mothers and kids
some amusingly low-tech stuff: StickStories (wooden tiles with stick-figured drawn on them, magnetized edges to create clusters of story panels)
some nice promotional bits: websites, pointed to by postcards, MooCard-s, etc.
I feel like College Education Pro Ject-s need a longer Life Cycle
a student/team should probably has 2 semesters on a project, so they can do multiple Iteration-s with some separation between them
- or 1 semester of building, then 2nd semester of trying actually spread idea demonstrated in 1st term - that would give Reality Check on bamboo-fibre clothing, etc.
some projects should actually deliver value (build software actually used by university and/or outsiders): need shifting team membership over time
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