NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program - a two-year graduate program located in the Tisch School of the Arts whose mission is to explore the imaginative use of communications technologies — how they might augment, improve, and bring delight and art into people's lives. Perhaps the best way to describe us is as a Center for the Recently Possible.

Founded in 1979 as the first graduate education program in alternative media. (New Media, College Education, Grad School)

admissions FAQ gives some flavor

During the academic year, ITP classes are limited to ITP students and other matriculated, degree-seeking students at NYU. However, each summer, ITP offers an array of courses that are available to the larger academic community beyond NYU for graduate credit. To inquire about summer courses, please contact the department. Please note that the summer session is a special circumstance where the department allows outside students to take ITP classes.

List of courses.

Good history

Aug'2013: Red Burns (founder) died.

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