(2008-06-25) It Sustainability Benefits

McKinsey did a study for Ge S I showing the future benefits of IT (Green-Tech) for reducing Carbon Emissions. Although tele‐working (Tele-Commuting), Video Conferencing, e‐paper (Paper-Less), and E Commerce are increasingly commonplace, the report notes that replacing physical products and services with their virtual equivalents (dematerialisation and substitution) is only one part (six per cent) of the estimated low carbon benefits the ICT sector can deliver.

Using computers to improve LogistIcs (for example, by planning the routes of delivery vehicles more efficiently) could save 1.5 billion tonnes; using data networking inside a "smart" electrical grid (World Energy Grid) to manage demand and reduce unnecessary energy consumption could save 2 billion tonnes; and computer-enabled "smart buildings", in which lighting and ventilation systems turn themselves off if nobody is around, could save 1.7 billion tonnes... There need to be new technical standards. For transport, power grids and buildings to become more efficient, there must be rules on how, for instance, refrigerators should talk to electricity meters, and thermostats to heating systems. But the Internet shows that when common standards are agreed on in an industry, great things can happen. The technology industry's contribution to tackling Climate Change may come from its standards bodies (Open Standards) as much as its clever gizmos.

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